Saturday 31 January 2015

The new Kid on the block...

This is me.

I'm turning 24 in a couple of weeks but my heart holds the soul of an 8/9 year old. Give me something cute, cuddly or Disney and I'll love you forever.

I've wanted to start a blog since forever but never knew what to focus on. Then, recently, I decided that I may as well write about any random tid bits I feel like blogging about. You might see various reviews on books, nails, make up and many pointless posts about my day to day wonders.

My life's pretty simple, I go to work, I come home, spend some time with my boyfriend and family and then go to sleep. But there are some little moments along the way, usually due to my clumsiness, that make for an amusing and embarassing tale. But I really want to start this blog to meet lots of crazy new faces who may or may not happen to be interested in similar things as me and enjoy hearing about my odd little world!

I'm totally new to this blogging lark and I hope I do it some justice but, just in case, please feel free to leave me a comment or tweet me on @AGirlintheWind and tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I could do better. I need all the help I can get! 

So, I guess I'll let you get on with your evenings and blog reading by wrapping this up with a great big bow. I want you all to really know who I am, no secrets, so here's a lovely little treasure of a video when I was chased by a monkey on holiday with my parents. If you bother to stick around to the end of this minute long film then you will see one of my most embarassing moments... and just so you know, that noise - the one that actually sounds like it could be a monkey? Yeah... That's me.

I can't believe I'm actually posting this online... -.-

I also have Bloglovin if you would like to follow me! :)